From Autonomy to Subordination? Relations Between the State and the Representations of Interests on the German Labour Market


Michał Moszyński
Nicolaus Copernicus University


collective bargaining, institutional analysis, tripartite cooperation, alliances for work, welfare state


The main aim of the article is to assess the functioning and outcomes of tripartite structures of cooperation consisting of trade union federations, employers' organizations and the state in Germany on the background of the evolution of the welfare state. In the historical description, which was carried on chronologically covering 50 years from late 1960s, tools of institutional analysis and comparison were used. Main results indicate that state policy initially supported trade unions and employers' organizations as institutions of mediation and collective bargaining centers, but over time the sphere of social security has become a source of tensions between labor and capital. Due to generating unemployment, buying social peace became dysfunctional and impossible to finance in the long run thus the government had to reform the labor market, social sphere and consequently the German welfare state.


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January 6, 2018

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Date of first publication (11)


