No 2016/4 - Determinants of Economic Modernisation Process of Central Europe

In recent decades Central European economies has successfully integrated with European economy. As a result their societies to some extant can benefit the potential of convergence process with highly developed European Union countries. On the other hand, Central Europe still faces fundamental problem of building sustainable knowledge-based economy, which can be characterised with competitive potential close to the European leaders. Therefore, the aim of the research project is to conduct comparative analysis on the main determinants of modernisation process of Central Europe. The research concentrates on the Visegrad group countries. 

The project is conducted with application of qualitative approach and quantitative methodology especially multi criteria decision analysis tools that can have big application value in international comparative research.

Principal investigator: Ing. Marian Reiff, PhD (University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia) 


The research project is being carried out in cooperation with University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia.



Preliminary results of the research in English:

Reiff, M., Surmanová, K., Balcerzak, A.P. & Pietrzak, M.B. (2016). Quantitative Analysis of European Union Agriculture Performance, Institute of Economic Research Working Papers, No. 32/2016.



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