Increasing globalization contributes to the growth of the interdependencies between capital markets. This phenomenon is becoming a significant exogenous factors influencing the effectiveness of national economic policies and it impacts on the risk management processes at the microeconomic level. Therefore, the identification of the linkages between capital markets and the analysis of changes in the strength of these relationships over time, can be the source of an important guidelines for national macroeconomic policy makers and can become an essential part of managing the risks associated with the influence of capital markets. Thus, the main objective of the research is to analyze the interdependence between capital markets of selected Central European countries. The analysis of the relationship between these markets is supplemented with verification of their linkages with German and British capital market, which are the leading markets in the European Union. 

Principal investigators: doc. Ing. Tomáš Meluzín, Ph.D. (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic), doc. Ing. Marek Zinecker, Ph.D. (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic) 


The research project is being carried out in cooperation with the Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Management (Czech Republic).



Publicatins in Polish

Publications in English

Zinecker, M., Balcerzak, A. P., Fałdziński, M., Meluzín, T., & Pietrzak, M. B. (2016). Application of DCC-GARCH Model for Analysis of Interrelations Among Capital Markets of Poland, Czech Republic and Germany. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Quantitative Methods in Economics Multiple Criteria Decision Making XVIII. Vratna: Letra Interactive, pp. 416-421. 

Preliminary results of the research in English:

Meluzín, T.; Zinecker, M., Fałdziński, M., Pietrzak M., & Balcerzak, A.P. (2016). Interdependence among Capital Markets of Germany, Poland and Baltic States, Institue of Economic Research Working Papers, No. 36/2016.

Meluzín, T.; Zinecker, M., Fałdziński, M., Pietrzak M., & Balcerzak, A.P. (2016). Value-at-Risk with Application of DCC-GARCH Model, Institue of Economic Research Working Papers, No. 35/2016.

Zinecker, M., Balcerzak, A.P., Fałdziński, M., Pietrzak M., & Meluzín, T. (2016). Application of DCC-GARCH Model for Analysis of Interrelations Among Capital Markets of Poland, Czech Republic and Germany, Institue of Economic Research Working Papers, No. 4/2016.


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